20 comments (0 hidden)

ok this was fucked up seriously something wrong whoever did this
Well shit. Very far from cliche. Too bad the ending wasn't sweeter.
If this irks you then you haven't seen anything.
Bloody smile
That was...something i guess...well still hate gays and les though
I didnt come here for feels i came here for trap porn
Same H-bro... Same...
Not gay
What the fuck... this could have been a grate manga
No nooo why you gotta do me like that bro
Who hurt you Segawa? Who hurt you?
what the fk did i just fking read
I liked it..
But that end tho...
Nothing wrong
There is nothing wrong here, trap practically raped the guy, forced his ways into someone isnt into that, you just don't suck someone's dick outta the blue, even if its someone you know, thats his personality of the dude too, in into 2d traps, irl gay sex? Nope, if some guy does the that to me, i react the same way
I guess that was expected
At least he kept it under wraps. Poor thing
Spain no S

ah this was sad lol
why not
lol this comment section is ridiculous. i bet y'all are ok when the trap is the one being forced, amirite

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