4 comments (0 hidden)

Wot a trip... I couldn't tell what was real or fake at the end and its driving me crazy now.
(Spoiler analysis time): So one of two things could've of happened at the end. Either the silver hair osananajimi was in truth real, or she was a game character devised by the mc to build up the courage to confess to the black hair osananajimi. If silver was true, than he simply got over a game scene in the end, but then it would be a strange place to finish it. If the black was true, then its safe to conclude that silver hair was an illusion by the mc. The only thing that worries me is the man the black hair osananajimi was with when the mc lost his hope. Hm.
FUCK, my brain just slipped off my head and ran away
Its all real
Bc he was physically affected and could bring things to that world. Each experience was real so either way he will have move forward.

It doesn't matter whom he ends up with. He will move forward
Definitely one of my favourites

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