8 comments (0 hidden)

nice material though!
Bloody smile
Yeah ... when he's insecure and you even go as far as getting rid of his fap material and not even cuddling is allowed, he will reach his limit especially with the blatant teasing with no ending insight.
Bloody smile
To add to that he did'nt even resort to violence or threatening ( ok maybe a little at the start but more of an aggressive argument ) and just sever ties and walk away. Respect
Guys, this is definitely not how you should deal with this. If you try to pull this in real life, it'll end badly. Communicate and understand each other
Bro, seriously? I couldn't wank because I was too busy laughing, it was great HAHAHAHA
His decision on page 9 was a good one. Like, I like shy girls, they are cute, but if she can't even do that when you took away his materials, she really doesn't deserve that relationship.

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