18 comments (0 hidden)

Fuck this doujin i have enough killing in my head
Fuck this doujin i have enough stupidity of pupil suround me fuck this
F**k this i have live
Fucked up, worse than a netorare doujin sprinkled with shitty fatso 😬👎
Id rather have my head ripped of my fuckin body and face fucked instead of reading this
Trust me on this comment
What is this trash lol. Using live birth as dildos is just inhumane dude.
I hate this one
Bloody smile
To [Kawaisaw] i hope that god has not forsaken you or at least try to forgive your sins if you repent.
Wtf lmao
Iyo Sato
Shit, i'm so fucked up now, the worst ever
I am into alotta fucked shit, I admit that. This is to much for me.
Chief called he said this ain’t it
F u motherF
Was great until he literally killed the babies and made my dick sad... and for some reason the mothers were just plain happy about it... like, no, thats not how it works, thats not how any of this works! Idc how good the dick is, why would you give up the pussy for several months to support a baby and then just be happy instead of calling the cops when a dude fucking spawn kills it? At least make the mind break realistic... jesus fuck.
Good lord what the fuck is this? My peepe suddenly got smoller after seeing this.

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