8 comments (0 hidden)

Too much repeated artist.
You need to edit your submission.

You added the artists name and language to the Japanese title, it should be: 結恋-ユイコイ-

You're also missing a lot of tags, and use Watersports instead of urination.

We have a tag for Hanafuda Sakurano so there's no need to make a new one.

Unless this tankoubon has a prequel/sequel or is part of a series, it shouldn't be given a collection tag.
>>10805 @ Killer00100

Lele.. That was bad on my part... Now, edited.

>>10820 @ Philemanmania

Thank you for the help you've given. It's now edited. :)
I just hope anyone can find this treasure, this is pure gold
>>39546 @ Razor
I found it, my fellow man of culture
The line work on this is amazing. So clean!
Yo connected universe. Les go

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