7 comments (0 hidden)

get her pregnant
Ok, and I know this doesn't matter, but what is going to happen to Aya when "little master"'s parents find out. Like he's a kid so he's gonna tell the bullies that "she isn't a bad snake she make me feel good."

Word is going to spread and eventually get back to his parents. I mean unless this is normal.
>>46673 @ Anonymous
Don't take the gangrape route. Take the shotgun wedding route instead. He get her pregnant, his parent have a chance of 50:50 to approve of their relationship and they happily living until he died of old age surrounded by their childrens and grandchildrens. Imagine the bliss of it, my brother
B I G T I D D I E S O N E E - S A N
Me loves Aya. She's such a good snake...

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