12 comments (0 hidden)

i'm happy if you are happy... nice oldman you got a young wife!
well if only it were that easy 😉
Stockholm syndrome kicked in really quickly... still pretty hot
Huh. How interesting. Her psychology is either regressed or she's super spoiled. That being said, she was probably hit by her last "daddy" and simply moved onto this one.
Bloody smile
I seriously thought this was the meat girl from shokugeki no soma
Daddy's Dick
i approve!
WTF did I just read.
Ur doctor
Well, the egg wont became a fetus coz the sperm tail is go in with the sperm head inside the egg. The egg is ruined..
An apple
>>63137 @ Ur doctor I dont know biology but Im pretty sure that when an egg chooses a sperm there's a chance of fertilization
The thing is though, there are teenagers who are often abused at home and school, and when they have sex, they feel good. They think its a different type of feeling from drugs, the think it's love. So its not likely for this to happen, maybe more like a 1 in 10,000 chance.
>>1075481 @ AnonymousExcept the part where he penetrates her cervix makes it impossible, you can't actually penetrate the cervix wide enough for a penis. I mean unless the person just gave birth and the cervix hasn't closed yet but that could trigger preeclampsia which could be fatal. Don't actually try to put your dick through someone's cervix!

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