16 comments (0 hidden)

Hmm those background assets seem familiar somehow.
That was hot,that kid so lucky have sex with momy gyaru.
Love it.
Finally something good.
>>63239 @ Anonymous
Inran virus perhaps?.
yeah, background from inran virus(if you dont know, its the kid with freaking sperm flood).
The baby is gonna be retarded
Tuvo chida la cosa :v
The baby died in a miscarriage due to having too many birth defects. After the medical examiner's testing was over, it was discovered that the DNA was a perfect match to her and her underage son. She went to prison for 20 years for child molestation and statutory rape. The boy was put into foster care and later became a sex offender, being horribly screwed up in the head thanks to his mother.
When he realized what he had become, he killed himself.
The End.
>>63641 @ Chaosmastermind
Wow. You're one salty boi.
>>63641 @ Chaosmastermind
Chill bruh u just ruined my wanking routine
>>63641 @ Chaosmastermind
realistically speaking this is probably exactly what would happen,but it makes things even worse.
Realistically speaking, all this story is not so realistic, so drawing realistic consequences is not realistic.
Where the NTR tho.
>>68542 @ Anonymous
You'd be surprised. Birth defects are rare even between family members. The family would need to have a strong history of defects. Pedigrees (i.e long term interbreeding) has been shown to produce genetically superior offspring...if you can stomach the wastage. Mixed breeding just spreads the vulnerabilities around, but it's a great short term thing.

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