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I just want to post about this anonymously, so you can either skip or downvote this comment to oblivion, idc. just now my gf dumped me, bcs she feel guilty after having sex with her friend behind my back. they hooked up when she helped him taking care of his pets, and actually i kinda know they did it but never said anything. tbh, i don't really know what to feel right now and of course with my mind going everywhere i decide to post this on a hentai site instead of any other site. but one thing i know for sure, i will never be enough for her and she is better with someone else. sorry for interrupting your fap here, and thanks for reading this comment till the end
>>1079516 @ Anonymous
Enjoy life without being held back by anyone now. Have fun brother.
>>1079516 @ Anonymous
Brother do not feel guilty about what she did, she fucked her friend behind your back fuck her bro no matter what happened you ain't at fault no matter what anyone says do not fucking blame yourself for her fucking your friend that's her fault you have no right to be guilty about it instead be pissed off and fucking dont take it man i know it might feel like shit but mate whatever you do it's not your fault its hers
>>1079516 @ Anonymous
Brother. That was not your fault. She was the one that cheated. You not enough for her? She was the one that didn't deserve you. I hope you realise that and forget about her as fast as possible. If you need something to take your mind off of things I recommend gym or just any physical activity, jogging perhaps. Keep strong, King.
sad guy
>>1079522 @ Actual_Coomer
>>1079527 @ kurozero10
>>1079561 @ BigBoi3Inches
thanks for your support guys. honestly i'm crying right now while reading your comments. its just, i've rarely got any encouragement like this. almost no one ever said that its not my fault for every bad things happened in my life when in my mind its always because of me, even though i don't really understand why. thanks guys, you are the best
>>1079564 @ sad guy
I'm the same way honestly. Always blaming myself for shit, but honestly, at some point, you have too realize that it takes two too make a relationship work. You can't be the only one putting in all the work. If you get into another relationship and you're the one doing all the work, just leave. It's not worth the energy to keep it going.
>>1079516 @ Anonymous
I'd say you did the right thing. She doesn't deserve a great guy like you. If she truly loved you she wouldn't have done that. See, here's the thing: if she has the gall to cheat on you just like that, chances are she's going to do it again with the guy she cheated you on with. She isn't looking for love, she's looking for dicks like a bitch in heat. Enjoy your life, man. Don't let some lowly specimen drag your enjoyment of life down. But, of course, always be weary of women that you like. Make sure to do a background check as much as you can.
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