10 comments (0 hidden)

I don't understand the story, maybe I'm just stupid
Nice to see u here
Wtf is going on there?
No one understands this deep shit from him huh I mean I do all I think of these are man this makes me kinda depressed and I'm drawn in more and more.
It was a continuation of "Tortured Kids" after Kancil died.
Kencur becomes addicted to sex which leads to a chain of disasters filled with depression and twisted sickness
Man, the pace is too fast
Daddy's dick
That was a roller coaster of a read ...
Whoever made this, must be an Indonesian.

Rare thing.
If anyone wants to read this series in order (for some ungodly reason), it's:
1. Kancil (all chapters)
2. Cannibal Teacher *
3. Tortured Kids *
4. Kencur

* these two may be interchangeable? not sure.

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