2 comments (0 hidden)

Again with the NTR tag without knowing what it is. This is plain cheating as it was clear as day that 18 could wipe that guy from earth had she wanted to. But she kept going after him even though he did as she said cause his dick game was good.
>>1095711 @ BiggusDickus
Cheating and NTR do not exclude each other necessarily. I suggest you to look up what NTR Type A, B and C are. Type A: consensual from start to finish, type C never consensual from start to finish (rape, blackmail, e.g. Casca's rape scene in Berserk), Type B what most people think is all NTR is (non-consensual at the start that becomes "consensual" later after usually some kind of mind break). http s://vndb. org/g1457

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