5 comments (0 hidden)

Beware: Every single character in this besides MC is a giant asshole. I would advise to avoid this personally if you don't want to ruin your mood. The sex scenes aren't nearly good enough to make up for how upsetting the story in this and the subsequent chapter is.
Explain the ending please
Yo my man hentai protag, just ditch these loser. You will surely find someone that loves video games and won't fuck in front of you.
i meannnnnn the MC is a pussy, the girls already tempt him but he still doesnt do shit
>>1091628 @ Shirou
i would like to disagree, the Mc is a character without selfsteem, and is introvert, the total opposite of the brothers... honda had a crush on his older brother, the other one got "hooked up" with the little brother... so what he did...? got jealous from his brothers, instead of trying to get something that wasn't there... he didn't even try to make an aproach... so... how that could be NTR

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