6 comments (0 hidden)

This was honestly depressing as fuck, I really wish this guy could overcome his trauma and get someone who doesn't NTR and fuck him over, honestly that would make for a good manga, just leaving his shitty life behind and starting over.
>>1091669 @ Woof999b
but he didn't got NTRd he never was in love with none of the girls...
he was introverted boy without selfsteem, as you can read whe talkin with honda "let's go back to that time..."
the moral of the thing is... "don't get yourself in time... and don't envy those that reach for what they want"
this gave me crippling depression
Poor guy always getting surrounded by horny bitches that would fuck anyone except him
F for you, boi :(
Sad boy
Hes miserable bc he can't get laid? As if that's the only thing that matters in life?

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