11 comments (0 hidden)

Aye you! You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? You walked right into that imperial ambush... Same as us, and that thief over there.
When this beautiful mode is never gonna exist in RL... (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
The long awaited sequel is finally released and better than I imagined it
Let's see... what are we have here!!
beastility? ew. Wish there wasn't loli
To all those wanting a moded game like this, you need a few mods. First you need the Sex framework from Loverslab(dot)com, then you need the various prostitution mods, animation mods, body mods etc.
Next is the hard part, finding the "RCOTS" mod and its addons, mods(dot)allthefallen(dot)moe/*****?title=RCOTS, then you need to go deeper i believe there is a patch that lets you add RCOTS to the sex framework, Good luck!
COTS stands for Children of the Sky. RCOTS is an updated version!
No lollygagging. You may lolis and gagging.
......Now imm havefta play me some skyrim.....and mod the shit out of it
Skyrim belong to the nords!
Should've fucked Nazeem

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