New Tag: Mesugaki / メスガキ, オスガキ [Content]

Tag Data
Type: Content
English: Mesugaki
Japanese: メスガキ, オスガキ
Alternatives: -
Description: A child who behaves in a haughty, domineering, and temptatious manner, typically toward those of a higher hierarchical position, whether in age or status. Often the character will mock/insult/degrade other characters(s) over how they react.
Contribution Information
Submitted by: Marik
Submitted on: Aug 05, 2023 at 11:21:16
Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 at 23:37:31
Status: Approved
Note: Taken over directly from Ex
Tag: Mesugaki / メスガキ, オスガキ [Content]

Should this contribution be approved?

19 comments (0 hidden)

This will be a lot of work, Adding a new content tag is the least I wanna approve. I'll let other moderator what they think of it.
>>1226873 @ Puru
Ex really regrets adding this tag as well, because people who didn't have a fucking clue about the presence rule or having something in the title doesn't automatically bypass the tag requirements went wild with it.

I assume Marik knows better than to add tags on edits without verifying them at this point but it is definitely going to take a lot of scrutiny.

This has a pretty big risk of becoming a huge mess here as well because we don't verify everything imported on uploads, but there's enough demand for it that I'd feel bad for people if I didn't allow it.
>>1226873 @ Puru
>>1227387 @ Glovelove
If it is wrong, then delete it again.
I think it is as much an "archetype" as the Tsundere and Yandere.
I admit, I probably won't go through all the works here to see if there day fits. With the newly uploaded, which I have also read, I would say that it fits.
If you're looking for stories with crazy girls, you're looking for a Yandere.
If you're looking for hard shell, soft core, then a Tsundere.
And if you're looking for little Bratts, then a Mesugaki.

If I am wrong correct me.
>>1227458 @ Marik
Yeah that's about right, determining how to exactly count presence for "bratty behavior" is where it gets a bit more subjective. And it is an issue because a lot of people are specifically seeking Mesugaki+Domination Loss(another ex tag we're missing, initially procastinated adding because I hated the name, but I do really want to have it so probably best to just allow it and maybe rename it in the future, tags that have different names on our end are a fucking pain so it would have to be a perfect name instead of a slight improvement to justify that anyway) where the "correction" might end presence early. Doesn't really help that Lolicon is a 1page tag on Ex (it is not on Pururin) so the people into it have no experience accounting for the presence rule either.
Okay, let's make it clear. It's not about how much work it's gonna cost you. If pururin doesn't have that tag and you think we should have it. Then let's have it.

That's one thing we gonna change here on pururin. If you don't have the time to contribute to the tag then don't. Others might. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Anyone agree?.
It has never been a requirement, the main requirement has been "does anyone active have time/motivation to maintain this" (which usually boiled down to the same thing, Shirou already had his own pet tags forced through and no one has been contributing to Tsundere since. Ugly Bastard and Happy Sex are the only ones that have gotten sufficient support from non-moderators) and it only applied when doing things we couldn't just import from ex.

When exhentai has the tag the work is still there but the burden it gives is way lighter because ex is making sure its applied on new uploads and if we delay adding it on our end a bit we can copy their homework adding it to older galleries as well instead of doing everything ourselves. (sure we're still tagging it on old galleries ourselves that way but verifying tags from ex takes a lot less effort than finding it before they've tagged it)
>>1227505 @ Glovelove
That's why I am going to change it. That main requirement is no longer a requirement. It doesn't matter if no one has the motivation or time to maintain it. As long as we need the tag, we must have it.

That's apply today. :)
>>1227525 @ Puru
We're not going to add 200 new tags because some orange name thought we needed it then only uses it on 2 galleries.

If no one likes a tag enough to use it substansialy we don't need it. Ex tags sorta get a free pass on this because they don't rely as heavily on our userbase, but even there I've never considered Anal Intercourse (which Shiou vetoed because he thought it was stupid, but Shirou's takes on anything beyond vanilla are pretty stupid so it shouldn't be a dealbreaker, but it is by far the biggest ex-exclusive tag to port over) to be needed simply because no one even cares enough to ask for it.
>>1227505 @ Glovelove
I find tsundere usually come across poorly in most works. There is usually too little scope for them to come across well. And just because a character is recalcitrant at the beginning doesn't make it a tsundere.
>>1227533 @ Glovelove
I think you and I have a misunderstanding. The word "we" doesn't stand for some orange name. It means we moderators and our future moderators should approve those tags that we think we should have here on Pururin. And not reject the tag because we (moderators) have no motivation or time to maintain it. Does that make sense?.

We do already have Anal / アナル, why do we need an "Anal Intercourse". That pretty much covers it.
>>1227536 @ Marik
It shouldn't have been a tag in the first place...but its had years to ingrain itself so even though people aren't actually using it there'd be backlash if it was deleted now.
>>1227537 @ Puru
Anal covers regular anal, Pegging, sex toys (tail plugs especially) rimjobs, anal vore, prostate massage/fingering, anal birth, tentacles, fisting, foot insertion and probably a few more that I didn't think of.

Anal Intercourse was added on Ex because it was decided that Anal was so incredibly broad people needed a more specific tag to narrow it down to the run of the mill "penis or strapon in ass" stuff.

Back when I was less experienced I agreed with Shirou, now that I am more educated on the matter, I see the value it provides but haven't gotten a clear indication our community needs it.
>>1227539 @ Glovelove
Okay, that's pretty stupid. Why do people still need to specific a tag like
Pegging, rimjob, anal vore.

I still get why sex toy, fingering, and tentacles are tags.

But a specific tag like "vanilla anal". I mean, why can't we just add "Vanilla" and "Anal" on the gallery?.
>>1227540 @ Puru
Why the fuck wouldn't people want a tag for Rimming, surely you don't want to suggest merging it with cunnilingus? subtags are also very relevant for Vore, Pegging could have been handled by anal+strapon but people get very very buthurt about the mere mention of pegging for some reason so fine if they can blacklist it I guess.

The vanilla tag in this context is literally Anal Intercourse, "vanilla" in itself would be a completely fucking useless tag because of how context-dependent it is.
>>1227540 @ Puru
So E/Ex calls itself an archive. I think that as such it should categorize its content as accurately as possible.
Whether we need that here is another matter.
>>1227541 @ Glovelove
So basically, every new tag is a new debate?
>>1227556 @ Puru
It is on ex, which is another reason why I'm usually pretty lenient on shit that already got greenlit over there.

People managed to have a 2 week debate over something as simple as Elephant Furries/Kemonomimi
>>1227584 @ Glovelove
Oh shit, I don't have the energy to do that.
>>1227587 @ Puru
When we're just importing tags from ex discussion can be limited "are there any issues with importing the tag as is or do we need to pay attention to high rate of misuse or change the name or something" and "does anyone care enough to go through older galleries to add it there or are we just going to accept it so that the tag importer can pick it up and pray that the orange names will some day start making an effort"

Pururin-exclusives are a lot more demanding on maintenance because if we don't have people ensuring they're applied to new content we're just giving fans of the tag false hope.

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