Fumei on Houmon / 訪問
Comment on page 16, last panel: Now I know where their incestuous inspiration comes from...
Fumei on Houmon / 訪問
Just like me when I'm on a diet. You see something sweet, and you did it again even though you didn't want to.
This doujins's title could also be "Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover - Hentai Edition".
>>146520 @ FUUUUUUU
Then search for loli doujin and not for trap. Jeez, does anyone look at the tags first? Besides, traps ALWAYS have pretty cute faces, otherwise how would we fall for it, right?
>>145740 @ Meh Whateverman
I totally agree with you. You should have written down "in real life" instead of "3d" because CGI Lolis/Shotas are actually 3d, just saying due to the possible misunderstanding there. Anyway, if someone tries to do these things to a child in real life, no matter how good it would feel or not to it, this person needs to be punished.

Or needs a high five.

In the face.

With a hammer.
>>68655 @ Anonymous124901
a corrupted FBI guy, huh? Now that's new to me.
>>61900 @ Anonymous
Not big enouff
>>49130 @ mamad932
No, I'm just a normal customer like you on this website telling here my opinion and fapping at the same time.
OK guys, to make sure one thing. This is FICTIONAL! Everyone tries to fap to sth they like or which is sexually attracting to them just to feel good. In reality, I am aware of the fact that sth like this is a crime and you get punished by committing such crime, but if it's fictional, most of these fictional stories don't apply to the real world therefore no law of the real world is going to be breached unless someone tries to be realistic.

Besides, if sb tries to report this(>>49124 @ Anonymous), to say it's a boner killer(>>49108 @ Anonymous), to say this is pedo(>>49113 @ Anonymous) or toddler is gross(>>49121 @ Anonymous (it's not even tagged with that WTF?)), I tell you, it's the hentai world, a vastly different world in comparison to reality. It is and will be no use to complain about it. "What happens in the hentai world, stays in the hentai world." Someone told me that, and it's true. You can't say "stop it you sick people, why are you doing this?" or try to ban sth like this doujin, because there will be more of this. Not only for loli doujins, but also for shotas, traps, futas, yaoi, tentacles, guro etc. Some of these categories are also, for a "normal" human, gross, but for some people it's exciting in a sexual way.

Furthermore, this site is for people who have strange kinks like I said before about the categories, and most these kinks don't exist in real life, so they look for websites where they can live out their sex-phantasies. Some people with loli fetish for example use some loli illustrations to get off without anything to worry about getting punished. And why? Because it's fictional, and fictionality doesn't apply to reality or do you think pokémons exist in real life? No, they don't.

All in all, I have to say, if you don't like it, just go away. Like I said, complaining is and will always be futile in the world of hentai. The only purpose of websites like Pururin is to give us the opportunity to enjoy and live out our sexual desires to its fullest just like me.
That was an amazing 900+ page doujin with astonishing voluptuous artstyle anyone can fap to. I hope there is more of this artist. 10/10 - IGN, would fap again.
>>45215 @ Puru
Dear creator Puru,
I write to you regarding to the question why this is tomgirl and not trap tag.
If you tagged this doujin with it, then I kindly ask you to please replace it with the trap tag.
some Anon writing this
>>45131 @ Anonymous
you should have written down " why tomgirl? It's a trap, you fagggots!" oh well, your comment will get dislikes because of misunderstanding of your standpoint, but who cares? (shrugs)
Who was the faggot who tagged this with "tomgirl"? It's a goddamn dead tag. And this is not even Linkle, tf?
>>44729 @ Anonymous
Well, stockings can be erotic and arousing too, but the arcenemy in every hentai doujin is the censorship,I agree with ya, bro.
>>44229 @ Anonymous
Accept the harsh reality of the hentai world . . .
Fumei on Fondle Lollipop
>>41564 @ Anonymous
what do you mean by fall off?
does it count as futanari? even though he just grew boobs and is still a boy?
What the FROG is that?! Its cool tho XD
the angel in this is the opposite of itself while the devil is the opposite of his actual personality as well. Interesting. . .
Fumei on
speaking of which, where's the tag for it? tomgirl is the wrong tag tho
Hey everyone It`s done. The artist`s name changed correctly ^°

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