He is so lucky!!
love to switch places with him
Futa_Lover on
This was great
The ending was a funny and kind of an unexpected twist! XD
we need a squeal or something please
yes, Yes, & YES!
I almost fainted!
We need more furry traps like this! :d
Futa_Lover on Pretty Melt
I couldn't Fap for laughing so hard!! XD
Futa_Lover on
Not even my cup of Tea!
>>64607 @ Anonymous
because idiots like you keep reading it!
pg 1-22
I wish I had a girl like that
The first one was better. Sebarami! / せばらみっ!
This one just seems rushed!
Still good tho.
Just a little bit too fast.
I mean, he's a bitch by page 2!
Futa_Lover on
Couldn't of said it better myself!
The only problem with this imo tho, is that this NEEDS A SEQUEL!
Futa_Lover on
You like this stuff and you know it!
you know why? YA CLICKED ON IT!
your curious, trying to discover a new genre of hentai.
just don't rain other peoples parade while you do it.
And btw, we like it because its not gay if she has both! lol
Hilarious, well drawn, and uncensored, defiantly a good read/fap! yeah furrys!
>>62663 @ Anonymous
(considering this isn't an April fools question) Its Simple, you just make an account with a good username and all the hentai you can read is at your fingertips!
cute couple
It was pretty hot at first then they just went too far!
I like it

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