fu... depressing. Got triggered by that last page dammit.
The kind of uplifting vanilla we all need.
but that's the point... it's not risky. Brother and Sister is pretty much A-OK. Now if your mom and dad are also brother and sister... that *is* a bit more risky in the short term.

I think you may have misunderstood the exception. That's supposed to be a chain of multiple incest generations.
>>23295 @ ZePerfectFap
This is a missconception foisted upon us by religious nuts. Has little basis in reality.

Brother and Sister has a very good chance of a healthy baby. No worse than a woman in a mixed relationship having a baby in her 40s.

Repeated genetic breeding* actually improves the gene pool over time as those with defective genes won't be able to breed as easily.

Compare and contrast with mixed breeding that actually spreads genetic weakness.

So inbreeding if you want genetic security over the long term.
Mixed breeding if you want genetic security over the short term.

Science bitches.

*exception is very very close breeding. So... brother sister -> father daughter -> grand father grand daughter. This can cause a few issues in the short term leading to greater chance of defective offspring, but even father daughter would normally be relatively risk free.
I'm not usually into gender bender but... this was surprisingly good.

Gotta love vanilla. :) (Have I been here too long?)
>>1069664 @ Anonysis

Think you just invented a whole new, and awesome, word.
... yep that fap was weird...

You'll get into this on your... third? tour of Pururin, waste of time denying it. I know my first tour round I was all "ick, how could anyone possibly like that... " and here I am...
Actually I think Anon has a point. It just completely goes off the rails to the point it's no longer any fun.

If you're not into MMF I'd also give this a miss. The art is really good but the story and the execution... lets just say I didn't finish this one and moved on.
You may want to stock up with insulin before you read this.
this feels like Berserk...
every year they said... right... where are the others?
>>70128 @ Sammyboi
But... sharkgirls need love too (or sharkbois whatever your kink is, I can't judge!)
Fwiw afaik... the hentai version is actually the original.
This is missing the MMF tag at the very least...
>>1064704 @ cave_shōta
Hard to say really. Sometimes the stories are much better, other times it's the taboo element, or short/petite girls... or maybe even the fantasy of having someone mature in the body of someone young and you then have the next sixty or so years worth of fun instead of thirty or so.

I mean if anyone thinks the girl in this is behaving like a 9yo... they need their head examining. (and probably some therapy).

For me oppai loli's flip the switch as well... but then the only things I'm not into... are MMF, NTR and most Rape/Torture and well I'll consider everything else on a case by case basis. Hot is hot particularly with the subject enjoying themselves.

other anon up there suggests certain things are on here to give people an outlet... while that's true I don't for one second believe that the content here is stopping people from offending. I don't subscribe to the theory that people are easily swayed by media without being already ill, we're all responsible for our own actions. I think people who are going to offend will and nothing on here is going to stop them, but then it's not going to encourage them either. If any one is thinking that they are on the edge of committing a sexual crime, then they need to seek help as they have are currently ill whether they feel so or not, there is free confidential help out there.
Anonymous89331 on
Seems like none of the images are available as of June 2020. Though the preview pics are there. hm

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