Points and Leveling

You can earn points to reward you for various actions on the site like uploading galleries or posting comments. There are no less than six different areas you can earn points in.
  • Uploader Level: Increase your uploader level by uploading new galleries to the site.
  • Tagger Level: Increase your tagger level by adding or fixing gallery tags.
  • Commenter Level: Increase your commenter level by posting quality comments.
  • Editor Level: Improve data, add descriptions or fix titles to increase your editor level.
  • Moderator Level: Moderate contributions that are pending review on the contributions page.
  • Reader Level: View hentai, get points!
While you earn points, your level in each category increases, the same way as in an RPG game. This way, earning points and leveling up is a fun way to reward you for your hard efforts.
Because Pururin is free and open for every visitor, there are no real benefits you can get for leveling up (because you already got 'em all from the start!), however there are certain advantages to gain. Below is an outline of each category and how you can earn points. Even if you don't read this, you'll most likely just earn levels just by going around the site!


Uploader points are rewarded for uploading awesome galleries to the site. You get a small amount of points for getting your upload accepted... but this is only the start. As long as your gallery is online you get points when visitors view the gallery!
In addition to the base amount of points you earn, there are several modifiers that increase the value of each points you earn, awarding you with extra bonus points. These are:
  • The rating of your upload, the better the rating was when you submitted your upload the more points you earn. Since this rating will stay the same for the lifetime of the gallery, it pays to put some extra effort in your upload!
  • The popularity of your gallery. (See the galley ranking.) The higher the more bonus points are awarded. There is no need to compete with other galleries, the more people view and like your gallery the more this bonus increases.
  • The rating of the gallery. The higher the rating the better.

What are the benefits?

The higher your uploader level, the easier it is for your uploads to get approved, allowing your uploads to appear on the site faster.

Doing it wrong

If your upload does not get approved, you earn negative points. The amount of points lost is relatively small, so don't fret if you make a mistake, they will quickly even out by an approved upload! Unless your didn't read the rules and your upload is just plain wrong, you can always expect feedback from staff reviewing your upload on how to get your upload approved. However if you keep submitting awfull things and never bother to improve your uploads, you will eventually hit level 0 and will no longer be able to upload anything.


Every time you help tag a gallery with a tag you earn some tagger points, but just like uploader points you can earn points over time. Even if the initial amount seems small, you will keep earning more over time. After you tagged something, we'll keep your vote around. When other people tag the gallery you get points based on if they agree with you or not. When your tag is deemed correct you get extra points, but if you add wrong tags you can get a penalty. You do not only earn points for adding tags, but also for removing wrong tags. (So if someone else added crappy tags, and you fix it, you get points, they get the pain.)
If you are the first to add a new tag to a gallery, you can earn bonus points. On the other hand to keep you focused: the same bonus also applies to negative points. So looking for new tags can pay off, but randomly adding new tags probably won't get you far. Note that in general you will always earn more points if you're an 'early adopter' as opposed to tags that are pretty much decided already, you simply get less points for telling us something we already knew!.

All tags are equal, but some tags are more equal than others

Some tags can earn you more points than other tags. There is no precise way to tell how much points you can get, but in general: the more effort and thought you had to put in your tag the better your reward.

What are the benefits?

As your tagger level increases, so does your experience. Your actions will carry more weight and eventually you will be able to add or remove tags without others' approval.


This one is easy: you get points every time you post a comment! If your comment gets upvotes you get more points. Yay! Oh, you also get some minus points if people downvote your comment, but these are really small. Sometimes opinions just differ, but that's not a crime. As long as all your comments aren't flagged as spam you won't even notice. And if you're reading this you're probably not a spam bot (I will regret the day I said this in the future).

What are the benefits?

You'll gain something very important and valuable: our trust. At level 15, you will be able to post URLs in your comments without censoring. At level 50 they will also be converted to clickable URLs. If that isn't the best present ever.. promise you take good care of it okay?


You earn editor points for improving information on existing galleries, adding chapters to galleries, or improving existing tags. Look for the 'Edit' button on gallery and tag browse pages. For example, adding a description to a gallery or fixing the name of a tag earns you points. The more improvement you make in an edit, the more points it's worth. This way spending a lot of time and effort on one edit can be just as rewarding as making multiple small edits.

What are the benefits?

The higher your level, the easier your edits are to approve.


You earn moderator points for reviewing and voting for contributions that are currently pending. You get points depending on the final decision. Once again the benefits outweigh the downsides. When moderating, you should consider whether the contribution if of good quality and will make a good addition to the site, and not just depending on if you like or dislike whatever is offered.

What are the benefits?

While initially your vote's only change the approval bar a small amount, at higher levels your vote carries more weight. One day you will emerge as a full-fledged moderator.


You earn reader points by... looking at hentai on the site. Yes it's that easy. It's like earning money for playing video games! And if you browse even MORE you even get bonus points!

What are the benefits?

Benefits? Uuuhm.. The higher your level the worse your chances are in society!

Overall level

Your overall level is calculated from the sum of other levels. They do not equally contribute. For example reader level only has a small effect on your overall level, while uploader levels contribute quite a bit.

Bonus Tip!

The best way to increase your level is to upload galleries to the site! Of course you'll earn uploader points for your upload but that's not all. Chances are you added a bunch of tags to your upload, these are all fresh, first-tagger-bonus tags. Lastly, when submitting your upload for review, you will automatically vote up for your own contribution. This gives you moderator points if your upload is approved. So you will earn uploader, tagger and moderator points, just for doing one thing!

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