We need more information, please do edit your contribution.

Thank you!
We need more information on the note, please do include the page.
>>1253922 @ Lewd-Lewd Fruit
>>1253918 @ Marik
It's nice to see that both of you are understanding each other/
>>1253907 @ Marik
I see, the contribution looks legit to me so I approved it. We can always change it back.
>>1253944 @ Lewd-Lewd Fruit
You could try using a different title. I'll edit it later.
Next time, we need more information.
>>1253133 @ Anonymous63057
The image size was resized and that's mean that the file is resized too. You can get the original size from exhentai
No note provided = auto rejct
Hmm, loosk like there's a bug.
You're right, but next time you need to point out which page is it. So we won't waste our time.

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