Pharuan Undearth on
this version is a low res as well [218.42mB](mine) vs [16.8mB](this).
>>65205 @ Shirou; Anthropomorphize weapons, that's one example, possibly One Piece. Some weapons do contains Souls like Bleach so there's a second example. And a lot of mangas do contain weapons that are used just as a weapon third example.
'appendages', doesn't quite sound right, 'features' would be better.
Edit was unneeded. Examples are not needed either as most people know what insects are.
Collar / 首輪 has got it covered. I don't think we need leash.
Pharuan Undearth on
well i see it sometmes irl and otherwise
Pharuan Undearth on
I would recommend that. You can use them as a basis for your definition but I would definitely check it over and then rewrite it in your own words almost like an essay that you might use as a basis for your own essay but definitely definitely check to make sure it's grammatically proper in true to the actual definition of the words.
Sorry bud I think this is one of them tags that just, won't work.
>>65090 @ Khatvanga
yeah well they got weird lists so...
Furry -The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes.
So...'Sexual activity between a humanoid and an anthropomorphic character.'
you're getting them pretty good on your own.>>65017 @ Khatvanga
The use of the underside of the knee to stimulate a penis.
A person incapable of being seen.>>65023 @ Khatvanga
>>65030 @ Khatvanga
lol not trying to pick on you but i am a grammar nazi though i'm not perfect myself.
"A cock shaped like a horse's."
grammar #1 and #2 you add to many extra words and even sentences. 'It is an odd-toed ungulate mammal, in the equine family.'
black slaves were considered livestock as well, but we don't consider that the case now considering that anyone who is held against their will to do things they don't want to do is slavery. So...'Human beings kept as livestock, usually for milking, breeding and/or feeding.'
a slight modification to my last edit and i think we have everything covered, the only time inclusion is a must. BTW if you missed it i took out the word human.
The way this is spelled is incorrect; [T21202] is the correct spelling. I've tried looking up this way and a couple of other way but there is only 1 way to spell it Leonardo 16sei.
again fully translated version of アルドラたんのおこづかいかせぎ, which is on here already but not in English, which most of our users are.
Hmm, this one makes me slightly happy for some reason. Very nice.

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