Well, it was funny to read, if you like the tags that is.
Masterbation with a hint of STDs. It has a nice story but the thiccness of the girls in this ruins it for me. I like more realistic doujins after all.
>>47023 @ ModernO
I'm searching for joke doujins but I can't seem to find any...
The only other silly doujin I've seen was A Monster's Hospitality by Thot Patrol.
Haha! This is the best joke doujin I´ve ever seen! It even has a sweet ending~!
>>9066 @ meause
I for one love joke doujins.
I have never seen any hentai like this before... I actually kind of like this, it's bitter sweet. Oh, and I've never thought that vore could be considered cute, but I can now.
Pretty good hentai, I've never seen one where we see the girl turned into a slime for some reason, so...
She's sadistic, and has a skirt that's bigger on the inside. The first one is always good qualities for arachne, but I don't care for for this hentai because, well, dimension warping. Good job on finding this exotic comment~!
And this is why we shouldn't have sapient pets!
CalneCa on Reptilian
Honey~, get the bleach!
This is a pretty good, wholesome hentai. The only thing I can note here is that I have never seen a lamia whose vagina was on the tail.
It's a decent hentai if you're okay with merely a transformation.
CalneCa on
Did someone use Google Translate on this and blanked out blocks of the original words? That's what it feels like... It's not a good hentai...
CalneCa on Drug
Not that good, though the last part concerning her having cat ears was funny.
>>22264 @ BronzeRobot
There kinda is: the one where Kanako turns into a harpy.
A pretty good hentai, more undead should be used in hentais...
Tsunderes, childhood friends, and a lovely ending. This is a wonderful hentai...
This is well made, I should really consider reading more arachne related hentais...
Well, this hentai was decent. Though I personally am not okay with prostitution since having a permanent partner is much better.
It is fairly bad...

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