>>1089593 @ Keledran
bruh I know. It's the "Kazuma looks just like Rance" meme. Smh
woah woahwoahwoah woah WOAH....... WoaH
Hey, is that Kazuma if he was smarter?
I love her design but I still can't take the buli. Hope she makes the uncle's dick bigger by clamping it hard! Hahaha UNO reverso time!
>>1089248 @ Anonymous89189
Nah, he just wants his ass to be filled. Hence him saying he is lonely. Hahaha, I have aids.
>>1089164 @ Anonymous19839
guess you were looking for some sloppy anal sex? Hahaha
TotallyNotAnFBI on
Just pay for a prostitute bruh. Rather than wasting money on a girl/boy that probably would just break up with us.
Not expecting that..
TotallyNotAnFBI on
0 - 100 real fast
>>1088995 @ Glovelove
Gee.. man I'm sorry. I was being immature. I've deleted my comment. Now I understand more on how the tag system works. I didn't mean any disrespect from the mods. Keep up the great work. I apologize once again for my behavior. I will be more mature and less salty about porn haha.
>>1088929 @ Puru
aw man.. now I feel bad..

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