Love the art...kinda iffy on the story line, but whatever...
0h0kay on Adult Harvin
MC has a small penis and doesn't get NTR'd?!...Finally, a hentai manga I can relate to...wait...
Character was cute, good art.
Great art...First time I ever read a hentai manga that just had blowjob scenes...
0h0kay on
This was beautiful.
wow, that was good in every way: art, story, girl, etc....
Lucky bastard...
Ok...I feel like I'm missing a big part of this story line.
This was such a weird fap...
You mean she-hero?
Not gonna lie...the only reason I looked at this is because someone rated it half-star, and I was curious what a half-star rated manga looked like...I have regretted this decision...
not my proudest fap...but I'm not a quitter
what the deus?!...what kind of sorcery was that??!
haha...santa claus is your mom..
haha..that ending
Not gonna lie...I don't mind this type of yandere...

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