I loved the characters and Yea the locker part was well done too. That orange haired crossdresser was so cute as a girl and very handsome as a boy lol wtf was that.
Damn the feels... Hit hard.
Great story yaay
Holy shit I thought the man was gonna get arrested at the end but it was a great ending and a great story 10/10
I love Chinzuriinas art it's so unique and good.
Chinzuriinas art is very unique and great
Liked, commented, subscribed, fapped. 10/10
Never2Late2Fap on
I hate when the names are changed to American names it makes me go soft. Even If by any chance the author himself named the characters English please put a random japanese name not this bullshit redneck Billy stuff
Hol' up! Can she reeeally improve her time like that?
Never2Late2Fap on
Love the art but plot was shit and made no sensuuu
Pretty sure the guy was here for the horse :^)
Can anyone explain what this cl-orz series is?
The art the shota the mother. 3 elements of a good fap.
Never2Late2Fap on BQB
I've fapped to this 2 days ago and now I'm like wtf lol. It's like my dick gets in control when it's hard
Never2Late2Fap on
That's the best fat character I've seen lol hes very kind and the girls good too.
Happy and simple
Pretty good story low quality pages tho

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