The art in this looks just like the manga.
Do you think the kid knows it's a man? I don't want to hear it referred to as an "old man's ass-pussy" either.
Damn, that man is a machine. If fucking was in the Olympics he would be a champion. Should've given the aphrodisiac to the girl though, seems like she was having trouble keeping up.
What the fuck happened to the mirror? You can't just end on a cliffhanger like that! Damn.
NemuWaifu4Laifu on ATG
Actually I believe in biology class they said it's A,T,C and G. None of us would be here if it weren't for C.
Officer I'm merely studying childhood obesity.
If they're that cute as traps were they ever truly male to begin with?
You always go for the collector's set, mother and daughter.
NemuWaifu4Laifu on
Now, I can't read Asian; but I always thought that the small blonde girl was the best. This despite the fact that I usually steer clear of the thinner girls.
How does a woman with a body like that get through everyday life? Either that college student was abnormally small or she was like 8 feet tall. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
How is it that a boy can be cuter than any girl?
God help me if I ever find a trap that cute. I'd kill for one too.
Every man's dream
You've got to love a girl with a nice big and soft ass.
My little brother can't be this cute

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