I went through about 5 different emotions lol
Ow do not put juice in your eyes
Meun on
Damn she got check mated
Meun on
Succu-deli is the reason why birth rates plummeted lol
>>1062804 @ Kayumi
Oh god, does she? I guess she has 4 ears then lol
>>1062995 @ GundamKira
That’s uh, one way to put it lol
There’s never a bad shuten doujin, that’s just impossible
>>1062744 @ BronzeRobot
I just said the exact same thing out loud, then I saw your comment here lol.
Wouldn’t she be more of a siren then?
Shit the art style is so cute
Holy shit the way the art is trying to stay the same style as the manga but just comically fails to do so is completely hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time.
Went from 100 to 0 real quick
>>152994 @ Anonymous
Lmfao idk maybe it’s a SAO like universe
Meun on
Great series
This was a clusterfuck of emotions lmao
Fucking hilarious. The poor brother looked so concerned when he got succ’d by her

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