That escalate quick!
Honestly, i'm quite lazy here. so the last part is quite lame.
see http s://
natartnat on
I have a question. which one is correct?
Neighbor VS Neighbour
natartnat on
This make me confused.
should we use "Horn" for uni-horn and "Horns" for bi-horns or more?
Else we should keep using horn, but that also troblesome job to delete 's' every time we fetch data from site.
natartnat on Warm Sea
This one is great
great artwork and cute kashima
So they spread it and they have group to support?
How they called themself as victim?
Just as planned
Wow love this one.
natartnat on
I'm still curious if we need this tag or not.
But, I already put it into alternatives name of Ruri Gokou
>>44400 @ Anonymous
At least, It a good one.
>>44379 @ Puru
Oh thank! I'm quite confused between those duplicate tag.
Please Reject this edit.
this is a mistake
natartnat on Myself Me?
Finally, the real thing?
Ehhhh good end!?

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