22 comments (0 hidden)

Bloody smile
Again...eye blea-...but the mother's (and daughter's) reasoning shows emotional scars and an unstable mentality caused by past experience so if they were less fa-overweight then i would've gave it a 8 instead of 5 out of ten i guess?
>>9075 @ Bloody smile
An excellent deduction and it matches my view on the whole subjectregarding mental,psychological and physiological scars both mother/daughter share and carry! !
if they weren't so fat then i might have actually enjoyed this a little more but its the artists style so i won't judge anything
Ok just great
Not bad. I quite like the abundance of BBW here.
>>9075 @ Bloody smile
>>13341 @ ALMA KARMA
I agree. Its an excellent deduction. I didn't give it that much thought upon reading though but, its certainly food for thought.
Could you both elaborate on what led to this conclusion.
Bloody smile
>>28645 @ Anonymous3033
The part where the mom mentioned about the father and what she thinks is the reason he left her ( she was very reluctant to have sex with him ).
>>32843 @ Bloody smile
So, how has that led to how she treats her son? And how does the daughter fit into this?
Bloody smile
>>32881 @ Anonymous3033
Male leaves because of the lack of sex (she thought).
Females feel the void created by his absence.
Female thinks that sex will keep son in the family.
He might become their new pillar as the master of the household.
Ditto *shrugs* ?
>>34287 @ Bloody smile
I can see where you are coming from.
Bloody smile
>>34303 @ Anonymous3033
Its a stupid joku but ... you watched me masterbate!?
This needs a continuation... a sequel? An expansion!
Nice family!
Wish it was mine!
>>20626 @ Anonymous31323
It's not that they were fat, it was that they were grossly ugly. There are a lot of BBW out there, but these girls were all fugly, and the artist made them all look exactly the same.... they all looked like the mom. The breakfast frames, they all looked different, but after that, it was only the mom. The artist sucks. He crams too much in the frames where you can't make anything out. That isn't art.
Beans McGee
It’s good comic
Wet poodle
>>109510 @ Beans McGee
Shut the fuck ip
Wet poodle
Damn lucky baster
I didn't know Junji Ito was doing hentai now.

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