27 comments (0 hidden)

What the fuck..
Wtf is this
Dude went full retard :/
What kind of h
Shit is this
Da fuq?
What the hell did I just read
That's how i think is the reality of fucking a little girl not like the other doujin where a loli got fucked against her will and later on be happy. Man, that's intense I wanna punch this guy so badly.
Oh, oh,it's, it's, just "so tight"! Just "so right." It fits "like a glove."
Or so I hear. l fantasize about it, but will "never" ever, know for a fact. He, he, he, he!
F You
Why the hell is there no report button?
Fucking sick
I love how people are complaining about this being a loli doujinshi.... When they knew before hand what this was. If you don't like it then don't read it. Nobody's forcing you to read it. As for why theres no report button.... No point. No law is being broken and no site rules are being broken. Quite complaining. There's no point acting like your not into this. If you weren't then you never would have looked at it in the first place.
I would beat that fathers ass and take his daughter
>>27157 @ Anonymous
Why don’t does complaining people just go jump off a cliff or hang them self. The real sickos are the ones complaining
She had a fat pussy
Not good ***** more drama...like the dude getting arrested. 9/10.
to all who want to complain you read the title or saw the thumbnail and still clicked it so F OFF
We will be seeing all of you sick fucks momentarily
>>63176 @ FBI
You'll never take me alive!
>>63212 @ Anonymous
Don't go outside or open your door
I hope you dead you piece of shit!
mmm... she'll grow up to be an obedient little slut
Good, "good" 5yr old rape so tight, so sweet, and so fucking "GOOD"!!!
wow and I just read that
I'm going to hell if there rly is one
This is really master piece. But it should be a bit more violent.
this is pretty fuckup
A 5 year old girl's pussy is really good tight and fluffy🤤

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