18 comments (0 hidden)

Tf did i read i fapped and hsd feels
I feel wrong, and right.
Wow! You can almost feel the covfafe!
Eh, didn't really like it
fuck you author. 'yandere' needs to be the chick. its fucking stupid when its the guy
U Fape?
Dunno why,I feel disgusted by her brother's act and want her brother to died miserably with no intact corpse, I mean he is crossing the bottomline, cheating on her sister with consent even if his sister got boyfriend is acceptable NTR for me, but this... he literally destroyed her sister's life by calling some ugly dumbfuck uncle that he will lose control later, accused her of voluntarily cheating, and exposing to his boyfriend like this is normal. I know psycho is extremist, but this psychotic little brother is basically dumbfuck who overestimates himself and ruins his benefactor (sister), and maybe gonna regret later after it's too late. Then he gonna act innocent, trying to repent his sin by saving some little girls just like in many cliche animes.
Sharing is Caring?
Why do the good get cucked young?
Im here to fap not to watch some broken ntr bullshit
Yeah, I was going to read this but after seeing these comments I think i'll pass.
Let me read this and feel disgusting
Is not yandere but, is stupid guys....
Woah- Read it because of the Yandere tag but now I regret doing that.
I'm calling satan, gonna ask if there's still room in hell's boiler
I think the brother was disgusting. He said he loved her but he broke her and made her lose her mind. And for Jun. I feel bad for him. I really wish there was a better ending for them . The brother is just fucking crazy and disgusting. He used her.
This is legit sickening who the fuck can like this shit
i hate this shit
yikes dude
yikes dude. at least there's So many people w good sense in the comments

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