11 comments (0 hidden)

Damn that was long. Was it Heaven or Hell for him? I'm leaning towards Heaven with a capital H.
bad guys
There is a world all the bad guy want
That dude gonna have HIV positive
negative faker!!!!
》Its over... after so long《
Death by Snu Snu achieved
solid fapping material for days to come.
Lutata lend
So he's gonna have to share with his son later,or what?
Maaaaaaan we were going so smoothly until THAT "Big Lipped Alligator (Futa) Moment"
Why would the author make such a plot unrelated out of nowhere thing, is anyone guess...
Given how this auhtor usually makes "plot relevant" the H scenes one way or another, this in particular was WEIRD AS FUCK, even disregarding my dislike of futa is "too out there" o-o
pretty good shit right here. Fapped so hard that my dick fell off.

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