8 comments (0 hidden)

Looks like Krillin go... Yamcha'd
Also everyone just looks really off
I spoke too soon
Only Yamcha is best at being Yamcha'd
From now on the lowest rank anyone can get is a Yamcha.
When even Krillin gets you owned...
Thats hot
So many pun here
I can't even fap to this tbh. Not only was the Hentai not hot but the plot was... Trash!

First of all, I know this is Hentai, so it often doesn't make sense but, surely there were better wishes to make than this. If Yamcha really wanted to stop being useless then a good place to start would probably be how weak he currently is compared to everyone else.

Secondly, how exactly is stealing Krillins wife supposed to make him less useless exactly. He still would have been just as useless as before (at least by the fanbases definition), it's just now he would have a wife too.

Also, why 18? He could have had literally almost anyone with a lot less risk.

I will just leave it there.

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