13 comments (0 hidden)

oh mah gah!
No rape tag wtf? Fix it please.
That's how it ends? Feels like there's more to it. Still the art is good.
Huh. She woke up, but they still went at it in different positions. Why bother when she was asleep in the first place? Also, looked like a few of these were out of order, the clothes kept disappearing and reappearing.
>>21665 @ pewpew
pewds would be proud (brofistin')
So That she couldn't move when he first started lmao
Good but I wish there was dialogue
>>21743 @ Anonymous
No... Just... No... The button in the top right of your browser. Use it.
>>21701 @ Anonysis
Although they didn't show any blood, she was probably a virgin. So breaking her hymen while she is asleep is good way to prevent her from associating sex with pain. B/c for most ppl pain is a turn-off. If she is already past pain stage by the time she wakes up, then it is easier to introduce him raping her as fun and pleasant thing they can do together, instead of him you know causing her mental trauma lol. Smart move but doesn't really change the morality of rape lol. Personally, I'm always conflicted the idea of hurting a girl you like. Especially when it is her first time. The only way around it really is for the girl to remove the hymen with a dildo prior to sex. It's a very conflicting subject. But I digress.
>>32470 @ PyroSamurai
I am very worried that you seem to be so knowledgeable about this.
>>32506 @ Anonysis
lol Human psychology isn't hard. Anyways, it's not knowledge but logic. Especially with baser emotions like pain, fear, and pleasure, predicting the responses to such stimuli is easy. I sure you're just joking though. :)
>>32470 @ PyroSamurai
Yo, that's not how hymens or human bodies work. If it hurts, it's going to keep hurting and get more sore the more the area is disturbed. It's not magic.

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