11 comments (0 hidden)

Love it, but I am a bit worried about the sequel, the artist is good, but at times things go dark, not gore or snuff, but harsh. Considering how it ended my guess is she's pregnant or is in love with someone else not cheating on him.
happy end nice
Something from Ichihaya that doesn't give me depression? What world am I living in?
This is only the first chapter
Guessing the next one will be the good old classic depressing ichihaya
I hope he gonna get harem. With his wife and his own blood related little sister. Its Win-Win solution!
Its great the art was nice and was in with the theme considering she was 12 Hoping ill flash forward till she reaches high school for more interesting developments
Love this lovey dovey opener makes for an even darker end can't wait for the next one.
Maybe the wife as an little brother she loves or the wife calls the cops and his sister gos all yandere on the wife and kills her but I digress great story 5 stars
consider the story and his wife, id love too if they have threesome happy sex and not go to depressing act.
sounds like a situation I want

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