14 comments (0 hidden)

The art, and action are good, especially the women's goddesses like bodies. Overall good, except the whole him being turn into a baby mentally towards the end or the vibrator up his ass before that.
This is a kinda Strange fetish I'll say
Still, 8/10 would read again
Me: haven't we have enough of these stuffs already?
Also me: what are you talking about? Extra stockpile of fap material won't hurt anyone (except your dick)
>>47110 @ BronzeRobot
Fully agreed.
Still kinda expected from Agata
>>47129 @ GundamKira
But the artist says nAGATA kabi, is it the same person?
>>47155 @ ZERO
I have been checking, and it seems the uploader of the 3 work under this name made a (maybe big) mistake.
Nagata Kabi seems to be kind of a Yuri artist since 2016 and the style hardly resembles this works.
If you have doubt just go to a Agata Work and compare art; Im preeeettyyy sure the 3 work are from Agata...
But I cant really be sure, yet.
No wait... the name is in the works....yes it really is Agata... the uploader put the wrong Author.
Yeah, sorry. Don't know how that happened.
>>47169 @ Shirou
Worry not, your uploads always make me laugh or nut or both
Not the "anal" I was looking for
Whewww I'd love a cute boy like this. All the vibrators up the ass!
I don’t know how I got here
Slutty Bitch
Oh god, I loved the last frame where he was covered in cum and his sister was raping him 💜 I wish a goddess like her could fuck me senseless, too!!!
I tapped 2 times love the art

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