12 comments (0 hidden)

I'm so conflicted. Why?
What a plot and what a social criticims.
wait, what!? now i can't tell which is which
She's turned it into her life and isn't as bothered by it as she probably should be, but that's just the reality she grew up with. I do have to compliment her strength in moving forward, but I do wonder what dreams and aspirations these sorts of people have. Maybe things can turn around now that she's met such a kind-hearted(?) guy.
I’ve seen some real weird porn before and honestly this isn’t anywhere near as graphic but this is still probably the most conflicting but I’ve ever had
>>48784 @ Anonymous
*nut I’ve ever had
The Boy
Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg
Basic bad history story, descent artwork. Interesting way to flip the resulting truth explained to keep the client happy without making him feel hypocritical about what he did.
Corruption is a tag..? But why though?
This is the reason why i read hentai and doujinshi sometimes the plot is deep enough to both nit and entertain yourself
The biggest lie of all is that her story was a lie.

Based on a true story, and sponsored by the Illuminati.
motherfuckin holy aot got nuthin on this,this is not anime

its fckin dethrone hollywood titanic,seriously we need this as movie,ofcourse includin that tiny minor boob too which is probly 14

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