10 comments (0 hidden)

So is there gonna be a sequel?
the story was sad, but the art is amazing
How interesting. There was barely any force in this. Just an awakening and some slight "pushing the a certain direction." And she comes back for more.
i like this. any continuation?
this was just sad but still fap material
That was great! The NTR tag is kind of a lie though, since that relationship ended. But, to be fair, what a whore rofl
Bloody smile
Boi you made the wrong decisions and now you pay for them. Such is life
So disappointing... no real ntr and that’s not a dilf but a normal ugly old man. gdi
Too sad, can not fap to this :(
To be fair, It's the dude's fault for being so indecisive. "I wanna break up, no wait i don't :(" It's not NTR if they broke up in the first place, it's just this thing called "moving on".

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