6 comments (0 hidden)

I second that Somerandomdude. Anyways, this is kinda weird. With such a carefree past and no sense of any trauma, the personalities seem kinda skewed and forced. Especially the brother. There's no apparent reason he became the way he is except for extreme (and i mean really extreme) laziness. Now I want closure. Does she manage to kill him? Or does he survive and straighten out? Or does it just keep going downhill?
...like watching a car accident. I need a shower for my soul
As deliciously perverse as it is morbidly fascinating like watching a train wreck but with smut five stars good show chummer good show🐺
🚬💣😎4:20pm Imma smoke'n it
Not my proudest fap, but it isn't my worst either.

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