13 comments (0 hidden)

I live for female orcs
That's her mother in law!? I thought she was his sister for a seccond!
I wouldn't mind beign sandiwched between mc and Riko.
Ah yes...
It's been a long time since I've seen a good Orc tag... even though this isn't a male Orc...
To slay or to lay? Tis’ the question one must ask of each monster girl.
this is amazing, i'd love it to become a series
Sexy, and cute. Goddess. Let the mom join.
really like this needs more
This is probably in my top five nuts of all time. Just wholesome enough for me not to hate myself more than I already do for liking this kinda shite
>>1066749 @ FatDick64
Your comment really made me laugh.
I want moooore
still hot
She is just so adorably sexy it's almost painful.
It's so refreshingly enjoyable to see a good consensual orc story. Even more so with a female orc.
No matter how many times I read it, it never stops being as wholesome as it is hot.

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