7 comments (0 hidden)

And then she went to prison for 20 years for each count of statutory rape that they could prove.
Dozens of witnesses came forth and it was an open and shut case. Her son was taken away and put in a foster home for abused children. She spent the rest of her life in prison for being a disgusting child rapist, and her unborn baby was unfortunately miscarried due to it being an inbred mutant freak.
The story became a worldwide scandal for months and was plastered over every news station and newspaper ad nauseum.
The End.
Anal. Yes.
>>1063156 @ Chaosmastermind
Wow, thats some fanfic xD
need more family in it (daughter)
>>1063156 @ Chaosmastermind
So you searched for it to complain. Piss off then dude
>>1063156 @ Chaosmastermind
Imagine exerting your "nobel moral values" while searching for hentai where shota and loli are huge trends. Your mom would be proud lebowski

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