11 comments (0 hidden)

"Humpy Hump Time"
Somebody's educational career is over lmao
>>1067006 @ Dr.Degenerate
or he got 2 more shotas
I need to bathe in holy water 777 times and bleach my eyes, I feel so dirty just reading
Good not great but good nonetheless
What did i just cum to
wooow they enterd at the wrong moment
i need a loli gf like this..
If you ever feel dirty after reading this, remember that pedophiles stalk children, capture them, rape them and then some end up murdering them. You're just reading a 2D comic with ink in a paper that resembles a small human with weird proportions. As long as you never cross that line you're not doing anything wrong comrade
wish they would make it longer.
>>1070188 @ LevyAthan
The real big difference is that actual pedophiles want actual real kids and they don't want some 2d comic with ink cartoon fictional characters, it's like if a school shooter or serial killer loves playing call of duty or Gta it's not fair to compare other people who just enjoys playing them just for fun because at the end you actually know the people that you kill in those games are not only not real, but on top of that you know for a fact that they are not actual people because they are just 3d fictionl characters

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