3 comments (0 hidden)

As fucked up as the scenario was, the Sex was pretty hot. Still though, plot lines like this always get me thinking. I wonder how easy it would be to end up in a situation like this.

I don't know why the boyfriend punched the salesman but, I'm willing to bet it was something the salesman instigated. However, regardless of that fact, because of who he was and his influence.
The Boyfriend still suffered heavy consequences for it.

Without him even knowing, his actions resulted in losing his EXTREMELY HOT! and caring girlfriend. He's probably now depressed and heartbroken about it and his life has lost all colour.

The irony is, that seeing her like that with another man was probably a way worse feeling than getting expelled could have ever been. (Its weird how she never thought of that)

I feel sorry for the guy.
this is what turn people mad

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