Page Name Size
1 p01.png 3.58 MB
2 p02.png 4.05 MB
3 P0.png 2.69 MB
4 P0B.png 3.16 MB
5 P0C.png 223.62 KB
6 P03.png 4.47 MB
7 P04.png 2.37 MB
8 P05c.png 2.93 MB
9 P06.png 3.7 MB
10 P07.png 3.43 MB
11 P08.png 2.92 MB
12 P09.png 3.25 MB
13 P10.png 3.5 MB
14 P11.png 3.63 MB
15 P12.png 3.5 MB
16 P13.png 3.39 MB
17 P14.png 3.68 MB
18 P15.png 3.56 MB
19 P16.png 3.33 MB
20 P17.png 3.01 MB
21 P18.png 2.83 MB
22 P19.png 3.11 MB
23 P20.png 3.31 MB
24 P20B.png 2.36 MB
25 P21.png 2.61 MB
26 P22.png 3.11 MB
27 P23.png 3.38 MB
28 P24.png 2.7 MB
29 P25.png 2.5 MB
30 P26.png 2.61 MB
31 P27.png 2.74 MB
32 P28.png 3.13 MB
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38 P33.png 3.22 MB
39 P34B.png 3.21 MB
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41 P36.png 3.53 MB
42 P37.png 3.79 MB
43 P38.png 3.45 MB
44 P39.png 3 MB
45 P40.png 3.04 MB
46 P40B.png 2.36 MB

Should this contribution be approved?

7 comments (0 hidden)

Page 3 should be page 1, since it's the cover lol
>>1256897 @ AriaPikapo
Try reordering your files before uploading the zip file. And make sure to include the source url.
>>1256998 @ Puru
I don't know if I can? The replace gallery section says that in order to replace a gallery with a new one I need its G-ID. Which on other works is displayed next to the name, like G66703. But it looks like pending contributions like this one have an S-ID that isn't accepted in the upload field?

"The gid field must start with one of the following: G."
>>1257000 @ AriaPikapo
You can't edit the files or file order on pending galleries, you can only reupload to fix that. When you do just downvote this one, it'll auto-reject when downvoted by the uploader.

Though I should note that we generally don't host galleries from Western artists, exceptions have been made on a case-by-case basis but I'm not really looking to add or substract anyone new from that list without very strong personal bias involved. I don't really care that much myself but I just cannot be bothered to put up with all the drama from people who throw a tantrum if they see something Western-looking on their Asian porn comic site.

I'm not going to stop you from uploading it but I'm not going to approve it either unless Puru says I should.
I did get you an Artist tag on E-hentai btw.
>>1257003 @ Glovelove
I actually have no issue with Western galleries. It's 2024 god damn it.
>>1257005 @ Glovelove
oh thank you! ˆᗜˆ
My account's level was far too low for that so I thought I was gonna have to wait

If it's any consolation with regards to western vs japanese, it's currently being translated for japanese release on DLsite^^

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