9 comments (1 hidden)

Skip Asian women. Just go for Black women.
I dont mind pettanko Tomboys...🤔
BUT this felt more like the Author wanted to make a Yaoi but didnt go through with it, the "female" is just too male-ish (Edit: AS in her style, not the body type) for me 😓
Anyway, those who dont mind... ENJOY!
I loved this one. She was just forward enough, I'm into women like this.
The assertive/pushy attitude hits different
>>1096421 @ GundamKira
I loved it. It's a body type that ticks all the right boxes for me. Also, it's not something we see often in hentai.
The story was supper sweet too.
>>1099563 @ Waterdrinker
I dont mind the type of body itself, As said its her style what turns me off.
Glad theres people who enjoy it.
So glad to see so much tolerance for differing opinions on the community :D
This was really cute. I loved the tomboy

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