Not your usual Loli story, Pretty Deep & CREEPY.
Nice Happy Story.
Nice Old School Art That's been uncensored.
I love the old school art where they don't have to use a computer to finish they art.
What happened to the other calender pictures?
As a Artist, I grade this a C. If you want to learn to hone you skills. (A) Carry a Sketch Pad & Pencil Look around where you are & Draw, Draw, Draw. (B) Pick several Artists that you like & know how to draw whether they be Western Or Eastern Illustrators. (C) Go on line & search Pencil Art for whether it be Jim Lee, Jae Lee & Alex Ross, look for lots of stuff with buildings. (D) Get a tracing pad lay it over the penciled buildings, Now take a ruler and trace all the building lines and pretty soon you'll start under standing perspective. But there is a lot of work that goes into your trade there are no easy short cuts.

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