I don't know man, they fact that they were clearly against this, but were too timid to do anything about it just rubs me the wrong way.
This is fucked up even by NTR standards. Hell this might even be worse than... You know what it is.
>>1073503 @ Shirou
TECHNICALLY, yes, but you barely even notice the boyfriend exists. He doesn't even watch, he just says "fuck this" and leaves.
>>1071083 @ Anonymous
Jail is just a place!
Wait, that ending. Did she actually become an idol?
I was down with it... until the ugly bastards.
Anonymous15276 on
This was a little too close to real for me.
It always annoys me when people say a porn is "wholesome." It's a bit of an oxymoron. This was cute though.
This is a great one. Hopefully we get the one with Nanoha at a public bath. I think it is from the same guy.
Wasn't into the art, but I was very into the the romance. It caught me off guard
I looked at the tags, then looked at the comments to verify. I dodged a bullet, thanks for the warning.
I just love the complete confusion from the best friend.
These things actually do happen. Only, it is significantly worse in reality.

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