Did she lose her memory??
1. Bad grammar
2. I normally don't complain about most fetishes, but this is slightly fucked up.
OML, they're all skinny asf and the proportions are wrong. This is terrible. Not worth a read imo. And I agree with Anonymous76900, would've been better if it was Issei fucking them.
Comedy gold right here! XD
>>149871 @ Anonysis
Take a look at the tags. That's why we said something about the twist.
I didn't even expect that twist for her to be his mother! HOT DAMN! xD
>>146112 @ Anonymous
It's a Doujin, bruh. It ain't supposed to make sense. It's just something to get off too. And it does a daaaaaamn fine job.
Anonymous3851 on
It's easier to sympathize with animals like puppies because they're cute compared to humans. I do feel bad for the girl, but not as much as I do for the puppy. Killing puppies n kittens is so heartless! I'm fully aware we have a few screws loose, but so do you. It's just how the world works. If you can't roll with the crowd, go back down the hill. Besides, it's harder to feel bad for the girl when she's exactly what we're getting off on. Hope you're satisfied with the answer!

Ja Ne~!
It's nice. Is there going to be a continuation?
Is there a part 2 to this series?? It's very good.
Amazing!! Also, it says To Be Continued at the end. So, should it not be tagged as a Multi-Work series?
It's not [i]that[i] cruel...
Why does the kid look so much like Jamil from Magi? He literally has the same crazy expression as he does, it's disturbing ... But I do like dis. Find it strange that the kid looks so much like Jamil ... >.>
^ What he said. The best by far, One Punch Man doujin. Next to the one where Fubuki was sexually messing around with Saitama in his sleep.

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