Another awry succubus saves another life. Both now have a reason for living. That transformation was incredible!
Anonysis on CLOSED
Hi there. You must be new to Danganroppa! It's ok to get confused about the story if you're not familiar with it, but that's no reason to blame the artist for your lack of knowledge.
For those who don't get the story, it's bullying, salvation, and then revenge. Simple themes. Intricate relations.
This has the potential for some tension in a sequel.
This is awfully sweet. You have to savor when star-crossed situations like this occur, since most artists enjoy using that technology for devious schemes.
Huh? Sophisticated orc?!? WOKE! I WANT MORE!
Huh, for orcs they sure have a lot more on their mind than "Eat, kill, rape."
Gotta love how the orcs got more and more conscious and intelligent (?) at the end. "Isn't having slaves weird for elves?" lmao
I kind of want to see a follow up to this. . . omake or sequel \o/
Anonysis on
I remember this. What a classic. They made a hentai for this too i believe? I'll have to double check that.
An older sister discovers her budding feelings for her brother and the rose blossoms!
Anonysis on - Change!! -
That was a little confusing lol. Who knew that switching clothes would also change the hormone levels?
A look into the normal lives of a incest couple with no moral boundaries. . .
Anonysis on HAND / HAND
It's the story of two lives who unfortunately went down the wrong paths. One feel into inescapable responsibility, but the other. . . I agree with the translator. I want to see a sequel or omake with Nakayama-chan
Anonysis on Green Eyes
What a girl. Taking the initiative so slowly but surely.
Really lucky man? or really clueless girls. . . ?
Anonysis on
Oooh you reap what you sow!
Also, someone ban this Spell ICUP kid.
>>30855 @ Anonymous3033
That is true huh! I was thinking that he wouldn't appeal to anyone, but in the hentaiverse. . .
Anonysis on FLANEX
Lucky author. I want a switch :<
I need more tentacles + futanari.
Umaru's reaction tho. Priceless!

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