Yah, that ending caught me by surprise. Extra dicks ftw tho!
Anonysis on
This is Snow Black gone wrong.
He's not a looker, but hey. Anything beats fat old farts.>>29077 @ MrLLC
>>29077 @ MrLLC
Tall girl insecure with her appearance and short brother insecure with his height.
Makes me wonder if he's actually her dad at all.
Anonysis on Depth Sinker
I'll have to agree with BronzeRobot. I'm actually surprised they didn't kill anyone off considering the circumstances. It also opens up a possibility of a sequel.
Anonysis on
Beautiful anal M girl. Bless Ishimura sensei.
Anonysis on
This is a strange one indeed. A parasite that can take on the memories and personality of the person they inhabit to extort their relationships with the others around them.
Anonysis on OGRE #Final
I think it's quite the bittersweet ending. Apparently I'm entering in the 3rd chapter. Something like this means that the previous chapters will be sad. But I must learn the lore.
Sidenote: I don't think that's how traditional ogres work (sounds more like some alien parasite) but whatever works lol.
Edit: so this artist, Date, does a whole bunch of works with sinister plots, and this turns out to be one of the more better ending ones.
I must say. . . Coming in at the 3rd volume was not a wise choice. The plot and sex are there, but I feel that most of it was kinda clashing with each other. Maybe I'm just not fond of how casual sex is here, especially given how taken back Miyo was with the rape, but there's a bajillion tentacle scenes to satisfy anyone in the genre and they're all well made. The story is an okay add on, but don't expect to take too much out of it.
Refreshing to see see all these comments here, and none of them are arguing about Feminism lol
This was a great read. The story was well written like an old myth.
For those here to fap, you'll be interested in ntr, trap, and master servant forceful relationship.
Anonysis on Shippoko Tail
There needs to be more on this fetish. Also, the author was kind enough to offer a scientific reason for the strangeness. Greatly appreciated!
Needs loli tag.
Those positions tho.
We need a sleep molestation tag.
The comedy and expressions are so amazing here.
At least its a happy ending? Gotta watch out for girls like her. All it'll take is a bigger dick.
For those who are confused, this is labeled as Artist CG, not an actual doujin.

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